We can assist you with every engineering aspect of your next project
Westlake Punnett & Associates Pty Ltd have significant experience and capacity in undertaking Structural and Civil Engineering documentation and reporting for a wide range of Coastal Engineering and Marine Engineering works.
- Jetties and wharf structures
- Boat ramps and boat launching facilities
- Berthing facilities, pontoons and dredging
- Marina design and feasibility studies
- Rock protection works, rock sizing and revetments
- Slipway condition assessments and reporting
- Flood Modelling, analysis and design of estuarine or in-stream structures
- Fish passages
- Sea walls
- Structural inspections, investigations and reporting
Certifications & Qualifications
Westlake Punnett & Associates Pty Ltd have a variety of Coastal and Maritime Engineering staff. Certifications and qualifications of our staff pertaining to Coastal and Maritime Engineering include:
- Degree Qualified Engineers
- Engineers on the National Engineering Register (NER)
- Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng)
- Level 2 Bridge Inspectors
- Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ)
- Registered Professional Engineer of Victoria (RPEVic)
Key Projects
- Kiama Harbour Seawall Redevelopment (NSW Crown Lands)
- Sussex Inlet Jetty Investigations and Reporting (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Lake Illawarra Jetty Refurbishment Program (NSW Crown Lands)
- Kanahooka Jetty Replacement (NSW Crown Lands)
- Crookhaven Heads Boatramp Precinct Masterplan (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Murrays Beach Jetty, Boardwalk and Pontoons (National Parks and Wildlife)
- Green Patch Beach Wharf Feasibility Studies (National Parks and Wildlife)
- Swan Lake Shared Use Path and Pedestrian Bridge (Zauner Constructions)
- Myola Boatramp Facilities (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Ulladulla Berthing Facilities and Marina Design (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Ulladulla Harbour Boatramp Facilities (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Callala Beach Boatramp Upgrades (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Murrumbidgee Weir and Fish Passage (Snowy Monaro Regional Council)
- Nelligen Pontoon Upgrade Works and Disability Crane Access (TfNSW)
- Greenwell Point Slipway Condition Assessment (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Dry Creek Pontoon and Jetty Design
- Donovans Landing Pontoon and Jetty Design
- Dixs Wharf Design (Crown Lands NSW)
- Woodburn Riverside Precinct (Local Architect and Richmond Valley Council)
- Myola Training Wall Upgrades (Shoalhaven City Council)
- Shoalhaven River Levee Remediations (Shoalhaven City Council)